Monday, May 25, 2009

Re-Purposed Wedding Flowers

Happy Memorial Day! I know, it's almost over...but it was sunny in Savannah for the first time in about 12 days, so it was hard to spend time in front of the computer. The holiday weekend kept us busy with 4 weddings, taking us right into Sunday night! So now that we've made it past that rush, we will be back to posting regularly this week.

Today, just sharing some re-purposed wedding flowers from the weekend to brighten your day! I know that people think "what will I do with a huge centerpiece arrangement at my house?" when they are offered flowers at the end of a wedding. But if you take a few minutes to break them down and make small arrangements in your own vases (or jars, or glasses) at home, one centerpiece could translate into fresh flowers all over your house the following week.

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